Criminal Defense for Professionals

Defending a Licensed Professional in a Criminal Case Takes a Unique Skill Set.

The attorneys at Unlock Legal are uniquely qualified to represent licensed professionals who are facing a criminal conviction.

We Represent Professionals in the Criminal Courts

If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, you have a problem. With the filing of a complaint against you, the government wants to take away your liberty. However, as a licensed professional your problem is compounded because your licensing body wants to take away your livelihood.

California Professionals: Request a free consultation

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You Are Facing Serious Collateral Consequences

The attorneys at Unlock Legal have represented licensed professionals in many different cases including, but not limited to, drug charges, theft crimes, domestic violence, and DUIs. We understand the collateral consequences of the plea in criminal court, and/or the impact of going to trial on your license. We also are aware of important details like the duty to disclose an arrest, filing of an indictment, or reporting a conviction to a licensing board. These details vary from board to board and failure to comply has grave consequences. If you have retained any of the other excellent California criminal defense attorneys and are interested in our involvement in your case to proactively manage the impact on your license we are happy to consult with you and/or your attorney. If you have a prior criminal conviction, Unlock Legal’s post-conviction team is ready to review your RAP sheet, and unlock your future by cleaning up your record.