Navigating a DUI Conviction for a Registered Nurse Without License Revocation

A registered nurse, dedicated to her profession, faced a serious professional challenge following an arrest and conviction for DUI. Aware of the potential repercussions this conviction might have on her nursing license, she reached out to our office for guidance and representation. Her primary concern was the risk of disciplinary action by the Board of Nursing, which could include license suspension or revocation.
The primary challenge in this case was the nature of the conviction itself. A DUI is viewed seriously by the Board of Nursing, as it can raise concerns about a licensee’s judgment and ability to provide safe patient care. Furthermore, the nursing profession is governed by strict codes that require transparency and compliance, especially in matters related to legal issues. Our client’s career and reputation were at risk, and it was crucial to address this matter with a comprehensive legal strategy.
Our Approach
Our first step was to ensure compliance with all relevant code sections governing conviction disclosure. We notified the Board of Nursing about the DUI conviction, providing a detailed account of the circumstances surrounding the incident.
Recognizing the importance of demonstrating our client’s commitment to her profession and her unlikely repeat of such an incident, we compiled and presented strong mitigation evidence. This included evidence of rehabilitation, character references, and details of any treatment or counseling programs our client had undertaken.
Our goal was to paint a holistic picture of our client – not just as a nurse who had made a mistake but as a dedicated professional committed to her career and to ensuring such an incident would not recur.
The Board of Nursing, after reviewing our submission, elected to issue a Citation rather than proceeding with formal discipline. This decision allowed our client to continue her work as a registered nurse without the stain of disciplinary action on her record. It also meant that she could confidently state that she had never been disciplined by an administrative body in California – a significant factor in maintaining her professional reputation.
This case illustrates the delicate balance between compliance, accountability, and advocacy in professional licensing matters. Our client’s situation underscores the importance of addressing legal issues proactively and transparently while highlighting the individual’s professional commitment and rehabilitation efforts. Our firm’s successful handling of this case demonstrates our expertise in navigating complex licensing issues and our dedication to protecting our clients’ careers.
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