Defending a Physical Therapist’s License Following a DUI Conviction


Our client, a dedicated physical therapist, faced a critical juncture in her career following a relapse into alcohol addiction, which led to a DUI conviction. Seven years after initially overcoming addiction, this setback not only had personal consequences but also threatened her professional life. The Board of Physical Therapy, citing the conviction, sought to revoke her license on the grounds that it was substantially related to her qualifications and duties in physical therapy.


The case posed several challenges. Firstly, the DUI conviction had serious implications for our client’s license and career. Secondly, the Board’s position that the conviction was substantially related to the client’s professional responsibilities added a layer of complexity. Our client’s career and reputation were at stake, demanding a sensitive yet robust defense strategy.

Our Approach

Understanding the gravity of the situation, our team took a comprehensive approach to defend our client’s license. We prepared to present the case at a hearing, knowing that a detailed and empathetic portrayal of our client’s situation was essential.

Our defense strategy focused on two key areas: demonstrating the lack of direct relation between the DUI and our client’s professional competence and highlighting our client’s rehabilitative efforts post-relapse. We meticulously gathered evidence of her commitment to overcoming her addiction, including participation in recovery programs and consistent efforts to maintain sobriety.

In the hearing, we articulated a narrative that balanced accountability for the DUI with an emphasis on our client’s rehabilitation and her exemplary record as a physical therapist. Our goal was to present our client not only as a professional capable of overcoming personal challenges but also as someone who remained dedicated and competent in her field.


The hearing concluded with a decision in favor of our client. The Board, acknowledging our client’s rehabilitative efforts and her professional record, permitted her to retain her license. This outcome allowed our client to continue her work as a physical therapist, a role in which she had consistently demonstrated skill, care, and dedication.


This case highlights the complex intersection of personal challenges and professional responsibilities, and the importance of a nuanced approach in license defense. Our firm’s ability to present a compelling case that carefully weighed the client’s personal struggles against her professional competence was key to the successful outcome. We are proud to have supported our client in maintaining her livelihood and continuing to contribute meaningfully to her field of physical therapy.

Experience - Dedication - Results

Clients Represented
1700 +
Success Rate
96 %
Years Experience
7 +