California’s Bureau of Automotive Repair License Defense Lawyer

Protect your Bureau of Automotive Repair License

Unlock Legal represents licensees who have issues with the Bureau of Automotive Repair.
  • Was your application to the BAR rejected (or you’re worried it will be)?
  • Are you under investigation?
  • Do you have a pending criminal matter or a criminal conviction?
  • Whatever your concern, Unlock Legal can help you. We are the experts in defending professionals and protecting their licenses.

If your license is in jeopardy for any reason, contact us immediately for a free consultation.

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Protect your Bureau of Automotive Repair License

If you are a licensed automotive repair technician, your license is your livelihood. Without it, you cannot earn a living. Further, your reputation means everything in the automotive repair business. Any type of action against you would be public, and it could compromise your business. When your license is at stake, you need a law firm that can defend you. Contact the attorneys at Unlock Legal to schedule a free consultation today. 

Defending You Before The Bureau Of Automotive Repair

If you have been accused of misconduct, there may be a rush to judgment. The BAR may want to take away your license without even giving you the full due process available to you. The law protects you too.

An automotive repair defense attorney’s job is to make sure that your rights are respected in the process. You have your own story to tell, and it may not match the one presented by the BAR.

When you hire an attorney, they will defend you in the following ways:
  • Communicate with the BAR on your behalf
  • Potentially attempt to resolve the allegations informally (with a lesser potential sanction)
  • Develop your own defense to the allegations against you
  • Defend you if your case goes to a hearing
  • Take your case to court if there is no satisfactory resolution

Bureau Of Automotive Repair Application Requirements

In order to do business as a repair technician in California, you need to be approved by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. The licensing requirements apply to the following:

“Businesses or individuals that receive compensation for repairing, altering, or diagnosing malfunctions of motor vehicles must be registered as an automotive repair dealer” (although individual employees do not need to be licensed)

The applicant must complete a form that asks a number of questions and pay the application fee. One of the questions requires the applicant to detail every single conviction (even including traffic offenses)

What Happens When the Bureau Of Automotive Repair Denies a License (Statement of Issue)

The BAR will get back to you regarding your application generally within two weeks. If there is a reason why they will not approve your application, they would need to give you a statement of issue outlining the reasons for the denial.

You have the right to appeal the denial of your license. You must file your request within 60 days after the denial. An Administrative Law Judge would hear your case and make a final determination after hearing what you have to say. You should always hire an attorney for these hearings because that may be your best and only chance to get a license.

What Happens When You Are Facing Bureau of Automotive Repair Accusations?

The BAR will launch investigations in a number of circumstances. The first is when they receive a complaint from a member of the general public. Then, the BAR could initiate an investigation based on what they have learned independently.

One tool that the BAR uses is undercover investigation runs. They will send a car to a licensed automotive repair technician. If the BAR believes that there was conduct that violated the rules, it will launch a more comprehensive investigation.

Bureau Of Automotive Repair Hearings

The BAR may pursue your case all the way to a hearing if a resolution cannot be reached. If you do not agree to “settle,” you have the right to a hearing in front of an administrative law judge.

The BAR would need to call witnesses and meet their own burden of proof to show that you violated a rule or that you should not be licensed. You have the right to present your own witnesses and tell your side of the story. Your attorney would stand up for you when the BAR is trying to take away your livelihood. You should never go in front of an ALJ on your own – the stakes are far too high.

How the Bureau of Automotive Repair Views Criminal Convictions

Auto repair depends on honesty and safety. The BAR is a consumer protection bureau that aims to ensure that customers receive service with competence and integrity. They may view certain criminal convictions with the utmost seriousness.

Applicants and licensed technicians are required to report their own criminal convictions on their initial application, and any that occur after the technician has been licensed. The BAR may view crimes that imply dishonesty as a threat to customers. They may also take action if criminal charges involve conduct that could lead to dishonesty, including alcohol or substance abuse.

The BAR investigation could also lead to criminal charges against the automotive repair technician. There have been cases where auto shop owners have faced charges for fraud or grand theft.

A criminal conviction is not automatically disqualifying, but it may be something that your defense attorney would need to address with the BAR.

Bureau Of Automotive Repair Petition for Reinstatement

You would need to make a case that you deserve to have your license reinstated. At a minimum, the Bureau is looking to see signs that you have been rehabilitated. Your license defense attorney can help you make the most effective case to get your license back.

Contact Unlock Legal for a Free Consultation

The attorneys at Unlock Legal help automotive repair technicians when their license has been denied or challenged. When your ability to earn a living is at stake, you need an automotive repair defense attorney. It is simply too important to leave anything to chance. To learn more about how our automotive license defense attorneys can help you, send us a message online or call us today at (949) 988-4444.

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