Why You Need a Criminal Defense and Professional License Defense Attorney

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Criminal Defense and Professional License Defense Attorney

If you crash your car, your mechanic is not going to handle both your insurance claim and the repair work. So if you’re a licensed professional who is accused of a crime, why are you going to call a criminal defense attorney to fight the crime and the licensing board hearing? Unlock Legal, an Orange County, California-based professional license defense firm, will help defend your professional license — and your career — while the criminal defense attorneys work to keep you out of jail.

Many criminal defense firms don’t even consider how a criminal conviction could lead to the loss of a professional license. Without a license, professionals like nurses, teachers, engineers, and realtors all risk losing their income and the career they invested so much time and money in pursuing.

Unlock Legal works to complement criminal defense attorneys in protecting people’s livelihoods. This is the unified front that has your back. While a criminal defense attorney will fight to prevent a conviction, license defense attorneys like Miranda McCroskey and the team at Unlock Legal will fight outside the courtroom to prevent licensing boards from revoking your professional license. License defense attorneys have experience:

Miranda McCroskey, the head attorney and founder of Unlock Legal, has worked as a criminal defense attorney for 20 years. She knows that criminal defense attorneys are busy keeping their client’s criminal records clean. That’s why she founded Unlock Legal — to give “accidental criminals” the attention they need to prevent them from losing their license and their career.

If you’re a licensed professional who is facing a criminal conviction, or a criminal defense attorney looking to partner with someone with expertise in professional license defense, contact Miranda McCroskey and the Unlock Legal team now.   Our offices are conveniently located in Tustin, central to Irvine, Santa Ana, Newport Beach, the City of Orange, Anaheim and other central and south Orange County communities.  Give us a call at 949-988-4444, or reach out to our team here.

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