Why Was My Cannabis License Renewal Denied?

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As an owner in the California Cannabis industry, you are required to renew your license every year. Your license requirements may differ depending on the type of business you run. Although this process sounds simple, there are many factors that could deter your license from being renewed. From convictions to disciplinary actions, you must follow all of the laws and regulations required while holding your license. An experienced Cannabis attorney can help you navigate some of the licensing issues below that could affect your renewal.

Ceasing Operations

During times of economic uncertainty, cannabis business owners must continue to be mindful of the impact their business decisions might have on their license. According to the Bureau of Cannabis Control California, a licensee who ceases to operate their establishment for more than 30 consecutive calendar days will have to surrender their Cannabis license. It’s imperative that you submit a request for approval for any length of time you plan to temporarily shut your doors. Whether this is for a minor or major renovation, failure to alert the BCC of your shut down will result in the loss of your license and inability to renew your license later on. Cannabis attorneys like those at Unlock Legal can help ensure your license is intact even if you need to close your business temporarily.

New Ownership

In some circumstances, it makes sense to bring in a new business partner. However, changing ownership can put your California Cannabis license at risk if done incorrectly. Your new owner is required to submit an application for their own license prior to being appointed to your business. If the current licensee leaves the business prior to the new owner’s license approval, your company will not be allowed to operate until the new owner is legally approved by the BCC. If you’re considering changing the structure of your company, consult with a licensed professional first, and eliminate risk to your license.

Related Article: Licensing Requirements for Common Cannabis Companies

Expired License

Applying for license renewal on time is imperative to keep your business running smoothly. The BCC allows applications to be submitted within 60 days of your current license’s expiration date. Failure to submit within this time period could result in a license denial and cause disruption to your business. If your license is not submitted prior to the expiration date, you will not be able to sell, transfer, transport, manufacture, test, or distribute any commercial Cannabis goods until your license is renewed.

Contact Unlock Legal Today

It’s important to consult with a licensed Cannabis professional to provide you guidance as you go through the renewal process and avoid any possibility of being denied. Our team at Unlock Legal is well versed in all license requirements within the California Cannabis industry. We can assist you with renewing your current license, applying for a new license, or finding a solution for any compliance and regulation problems.

Do you need help with your California Cannabis license? We can help.  Give us a call at 949-988-4444.

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