Where Is the Best Place to Start a Cannabis Business in California?

Where Is the Best Place to Start a Cannabis Business in California?

The Cannabis industry is exploding in legalized states across the country. California alone has over 10,000 Cannabis businesses. These booming businesses expand all the way from the northern tip to the southern border. With so many individuals starting their own Cannabis businesses, proper real estate is hard to come by and difficult to secure. So, where is the best place to start your Cannabis business? The short answer, it depends. Regulations vary from city to city throughout California. This is why it’s imperative to work with someone who knows the industry. Don’t go shopping without a professional.

Professional license attorneys like those at Unlock Legal can help you navigate Cannabis real estate and the regulations that come with it. We will (1) ensure your property falls within a zone that permits Cannabis and (2) negotiate and review your lease agreement to make sure your business is protected. Some of our clients have run into real estate issues due to the nature of their Cannabis business. This is where Unlock Legal has stepped in. We review the lease documents to ensure they are conditions on obtaining a Cannabis operating license on the individual and landlord-side. Our reviewal would also include ensuring clauses are places to prevent unlicensed operations from subleasing any other units.

The hurdles of the Cannabis industry can be overwhelming for many prospective business owners. In many cases, it’s the reason they choose not to open or choose not to lease their properties. The Bureau of Cannabis Control is consistently cracking down on individuals that do not follow to the regulation and compliance laws. They have issues hundreds of notice letters to landlords renting to illicit cannabis businesses. These property owners could be subject to criminal and civil liability.

Finding the perfect spot to start your Cannabis company factors in a variety of other things as well. When did you submit your application? What types of businesses does the city allow? How many licenses are permitted in city limits? Do you share property lines with another entity? This is why you need to have Unlock Legal on your side. 

If you’re a retail store and want to partner with a manufacturer, you’ll have a whole new list of laws to follow. Not only do you both have to agree on a location that fits your individual needs, but you also have to comply with the additional regulations the city requires. We can help make partnerships like these simple.

When considering starting your own Cannabis business or renting out your space, you need a professional in your corner. Some cities and counties have a max number of storefronts they will issues licenses for. Some regulations and compliance can also fluctuate from city to city. This is where Unlock Legal can come in. We are well versed in all things Cannabis. From deciding on a location to understanding the business laws and reviewing leasing agreements, we can help new and current business owners resolve any cannabis-related issues.

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