You’ve dreamed about becoming a real estate agent for years. You’ve spent countless hours studying for your exam, meeting with professional mentors, and learning your market. You take your test, ace it, and anxiously wait for the results. You know that your hard work paid off, and you should be receiving an acceptance any day now.
Instead, you receive a rejection letter.
The California Department of Real Estate found some past mistakes in your background check and are now questioning your integrity. We understand this heartbreaking moment. So many of our clients have been in the same position. Don’t panic; you still have a chance to start your dream job. Whether you have a DUI or more serious offense in your past, Unlock Legal can help.
Act Now to Appeal Your Rejection
Even if the Department of Real Estate denied your application, appealing your rejection is still on the table. Our professional license defense team will go to battle for you and ensure your past mistakes won’t impact your future. However, the clock is ticking. The sooner we can get started, the sooner you can get back to your business.
Build Your Case
We’ll first start by showing the board you are an honest and truthful person. The real estate industry demands that agents have integrity. Clients expect a trustworthy professional to help them navigate the market. Proving you’re reliable and genuine is a big step in helping the fight your license rejection to the board.
Contact Unlock Legal
Although your future may look bleak right now, don’t give up. We have over 20 years of experience in professional license defense, helping professionals just like you resolve licensing issues. Mistakes from your past don’t have to define the shape of your future. Even if your record holds a serious criminal offense, the Unlock Legal team can still unlock your license. We know how hard you’ve worked to set yourself up for success in the real estate world. No matter how long it takes, we will confront the obstacles standing in your way and help you overcome them. Once you receive your license, you need to be aware of violations that could threaten your license in the future.
If you fear your professional license is in jeopardy, please don’t hesitate to reach out for a quick, discreet, and confidential consultation. Know that with us, you are in great hands. Contact Unlock Legal today or give us a call at your convenience at 949-997-1474 to speak with a professional real estate license defense lawyer
about your case and your unique needs. You’ll find we are compassionate, easy to talk to, and willing to help in any capacity we can. Losing your license doesn’t have to be the end of your career. Your journey to reinstatement starts with a quick meeting.