What are the Most Dangerous Holidays for DUI in California?

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What are the Most Dangerous Holidays for DUI in California?

Everyone looks forward to relaxing and having fun over long weekends. But holidays like Memorial Day, July 4th, and Thanksgiving are usually some of the most dangerous times of the year to be on the road. DUI arrests skyrocket around holidays and Unlock Legal, a professional license defense firm based in Orange County, California, wants to make sure you know the facts about DUI, so you’re able to celebrate the holidays safely.

Which holidays are the most dangerous to drive?

According to data compiled by Geotab, the most dangerous holidays to drive in California include New Years Day and Labor Day. Here are the top 5 most dangerous holidays to drive, in order:

  1. New Years Day
  2. July 4th
  3. Labor Day
  4. Columbus Day
  5. Valentine’s Day

Are the number of DUI arrests rising in California?

Yes, at least this summer. Over the 2019 Memorial Day weekend, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) arrested 1,099 people for DUI, a 4% increase over the previous year, according to KCRA 3 News. And during the July 4th weekend, DUI arrests more than tripled from 389 people in 2018 to 1,204 in 2019, according to ABC 10 News.

DUI-related deaths rose over both weekends as well. During the Memorial Day weekend, 34 people died in DUI-related accidents, while 24 people died over the July 4th weekend.

What does CHP do to stop DUI accidents on holidays?

During certain holidays each year, the CHP enters what it calls “maximum enforcement.” During maximum enforcement periods, all available officers are sent out on patrol to look for people who might be driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. CHP usually enters maximum enforcement during popular holidays where people drink heavily, including Memorial Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

What happens if you get a DUI?

In California, your first DUI is a misdemeanor, but the crime is still serious. Fines and fees related to the conviction can have you paying thousands of dollars, and that doesn’t include possible jail time or community service.

If you’re a licensed professional like a nurse, engineer, or realtor, you’ll probably run into issues with your licensing board even after you’ve cleared things up in court. For some jobs, a DUI conviction could lead to the revocation of your professional license, which cuts off your ability to practice in your career.

The team at Unlock Legal has been working with licensed professionals for years to help them get back on their feet after they’ve made a mistake. If you’ve found yourself in a difficult spot with your professional licensing board because of a DUI conviction, we might be able to give you some peace of mind. Contact us at 949-988-4444 or by sending us an email here.

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