SB-384 Makes Revolutionary Changes to California Sex Offender Registration Requirements

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Originally passed in October 2017, Senate Bill 384 (SB-384) aims to change lifelong sex offender registration and opens many doors for their professional careers beginning January 1, 2021. 

What is SB-384?

Under the current registration system, those charged with committing sex-related crimes are required to register with local law enforcement agencies. Currently, in California, offenders are required to have lifetime registration in the California Sex and Arson Registry (CSAR) database. Additionally, they are required to renew this registration yearly and anytime they change their residence. With SB- 384 in place, eligible offenders who meet specific requirements may qualify to have their names permanently removed from the database.

SB – 384 will replace California’s current universal lifetime-based registration system with a tier-based system instead. These three tiers include Tier 1 ( registration over 10 years), Tier 2 (registration for 20 years), and Tier 3 (life-time registration). The greater the severity of the crime, the higher the tier requirement is.

  • Tier 1: Lower-level convictions such as misdemeanors
  • Tier 2: Mid-level convictions such as lewd and lascivious acts with a minor
  • Tier 3: Most severe convictions such as human trafficking.

Those that fall into either Tier 1 or Tier 2 categories may be eligible for removal from the CSAR database and other local enforcement registries once their 10 or 20 year period has been completed. Offenders will, however, still be required to register with local authorities.

Related Article: What is SB-145?

How Can I Remove My Name From the Database?

Under the new bill, offenders are required to petition the court to terminate their database listing once their registration has expired. Once the petition is received, the state has 60 days to review the request and either approve or deny the petition. The petition is likely to be approved if the offender has not been convicted of any other crimes and has complied with all sex offender registration requirements. 

SB-384 will bring many changes in the coming year for California professionals, and our team at Unlock Legal is here to help protect your career. We understand how difficult it can be to see a clear view of your career path when you are convicted of a crime or receive notice on a pending investigation against you. Our priority is to get you the best outcome possible and handle your case from beginning to end – no matter how long it takes. 

Unlock Legal provides focused representation in criminal defense and defense for California licensed professionals. Contact Unlock Legal today or give us a call at 949-988-4444 to speak with a professional about your case and your unique needs. You’ll find we are compassionate, easy to talk to, and willing to help in any capacity we can.

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