My Psychology License Was Denied. Now What?

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My Psychology License Was Denied. Now What?

It takes an immense amount of time and effort to achieve the designation of Psychologist.

This career demands attention to detail, and practitioners have the mental stability of their patients resting on their shoulders. They’re often the first ones to notice signs of instability in someone’s life and act as an important safety net when people need it the most. If you’ve trained to be a Psychologist but had your psychology certification denied due to a past criminal conviction or other breach of the Board’s standards, Unlock Legal wants you to know that there is still hope. You have the opportunity to appeal your denial and get your certification back – If you take the right steps.

Psychologists must meet strict guidelines outlined by the governing board of each state. For a California psychology license, the regulations clearly say “Any agency in the department… [can] without a hearing deny an application.” Because of the nature in which it is conducted, getting your psychology license denied can make you feel extremely helpless. However, there is a way to get it back. By filing an official appeal, you can petition the board to reinstate your license. As part of this process, applicants can provide a statement and any supporting documentation which may help overturn their case. To help prepare you for this and avoid under or over-sharing information, we highly recommend hiring a professional licenses defense attorney.

Even if you don’t think you have a chance at getting your California psychology license back, we implore you to do a little extra digging. Believe us – We’ve seen it all. With Unlock Legal by your side, you vastly increase your chances for reinstatement. But, there’s a catch. You need to act fast. The longer you wait to get the appeals process started for your psychology certification denial, the lower the odds. Professional licenses have very specific deadlines, and if they aren’t met, it diminishes your chances considerably.

What kind of issues will lead to a Psychology certification denial? 

Your Psychology license can be revoked or denied for a number of reasons. Most commonly, it’s for being convicted of a crime. Whether or not it is directly related to your practice, the board has the authority to deem you unfit to work within the profession. The board even has the ability to deny your license for “dishonest conduct” or “lack of good moral character.” The language alone in which these rules are written leaves a lot of room for interpretation. That’s where we come in. Unlock Legal can help you build a case that addresses each of the board’s hesitations, and shows you in a different light than what regulators think they know about your situation.

Do you want to practice Psychology but are afraid that ship has sailed because of past or present misconduct? Did you work your whole life to get to where you are today, just to lose your license? Our team understands that every case is unique, and will do its best to get you back where you need to be. We have experience helping professional license applicants get their jobs back despite mistakes. 

If you fear your professional California psychology license is in jeopardy, please don’t hesitate to reach out for a quick, discreet, and confidential consultation. Contact Unlock Legal today or give us a call at your convenience at 949-988-4444 to speak with a professional about your case and your unique needs. You’ll find we are compassionate, easy to talk to, and willing to help in any capacity we can. Losing your license doesn’t have to be the end of your career. Your journey to reinstatement starts with a quick meeting.

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