How Long Will It Take to Get My Revoked or Suspended Professional License Back?

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How Long Will It Take to Get My Revoked or Suspended Professional License Back?

Notice: Unlock Legal represents licensed professionals like doctors, attorneys, nurses, engineers, teachers, contractors and anyone else who has a license or certification issued by a Board, Department or Agency.

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If your professional license has been suspended by your licensing board, the first question you’re probably going to ask is when you can get your license back. When you work in a field like medicine, real estate, or engineering, a professional license is essential to keeping your job. Unlock Legal, an Orange County, California-based professional license defense firm, can help you petition to reinstate your license, but depending on the industry you work in, the time it could take to start that process ranges from one to three years.

Here’s a quick breakdown of how long you’ll need to wait to petition for your license in four different fields:

Reinstating a doctors or nurses license

In California, doctors and nurses have to wait at least three years to petition to get their medical license back if it was surrendered or revoked because of professional misconduct. If the doctor’s or nurse’s license was surrendered or revoked because of a mental or physical illness, they could file a petition to reinstate their license at least one year later.

Related Article: Will My Nursing License Be Suspended for a DUI?

Doctors and nurses can’t petition to reinstate their license if they’re under sentence for a crime, including if they’re on probation or parole.

Reinstating a real estate license 

A real estate broker or salesperson can petition to get their license back at least one year after it was revoked.

Reinstating an engineering license

An engineer can petition to reinstate their license at least three years after their license was revoked.

Reinstating an insurance broker license

The California Department of Insurance does not set a specific amount of time before insurance brokers can apply for a reinstatement of their license. If an insurance broker reapplies for their license within five years of it being revoked, however, the Department of Insurance can deny the license without a hearing, and the five-year period begins again.

Related Article: Can I Lose My Professional License for Using Marijuana in California

If your professional license has been revoked, and you’re anxious to restart your career, Unlock Legal wants to take some weight off your shoulders. We have experience successfully helping professionals petition to reinstate their licenses before a variety of agencies. Don’t let one mistake ruin your entire career.  Call Unlock Legal today at 949-988-4444, or reach out to our team here, and we’ll help you unlock your license. 

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