Professional boards are a common way to maintain standards across an industry. By regulating membership and licensing, a board can control who practices in the field and how they do it. Anyone who wants to be a professional architect in California must go through the California Architects Board.
CAB describes its licensing requirements as “more flexible” than other states. While this suggests they are less strict than other state architect boards, the “good character” clause gives CAB discretion about who gets in and who is disqualified.
Will a DUI or a criminal record affect your licensing?
What the Architects Practice Act says
A criminal record may disqualify an applicant more flexible, but it depends on the type of crime and when it was committed. Generally speaking, violent crimes, sex crimes, and occupational offenses are more likely to trigger denial of a California architecture license, as they reflect character or business issues that reflect poorly on the whole organization. A misdemeanor committed in an applicant’s youth may be overlooked, but a recent felony will not.
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Good character and a criminal record
As CAB notes, the board is flexible with license disqualification factors. Character counts. A strong defense of your attributes, dedication, and professional merit provides opportunity even if your history carries red flags. An experienced attorney can help you represent your strongest qualifications and character traits, acknowledging past mistakes but showing growth into the person you are today.
While you’re allowed to represent yourself, an attorney knows what information to include and how to build a strong argument in your defense. Similarly, a professional license defense attorney can help with an appeals claim to help you get that important licensure if you’ve been denied. You need CAB approval to be an architect in the state of California. Getting through the application or appeals process as smoothly as possible is important to keep your career on track.
Contact Unlock Legal today or give us a call at your convenience at 949-988-4444 to speak with a professional about your case and your unique needs. You’ll find we are compassionate, easy to talk to, and willing to help in any capacity we can.
Unlock Legal provides focused representation in criminal defense and defense for California licensed professionals.