Help! My California Teacher’s License is Suspended.

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A male teacher speaking to a classroom full of students with text overlay "Help! My California Teacher's License Has Been Suspended"

As a teacher, you help mold and shape the future leaders of our world. Whether your specialty is in K- 12 or higher education, your competency as a teacher is constantly scrutinized. Mistakes made socially or on the job can have a lasting effect on your professional license; mishaps can cause your license to be suspended or even completely revoked. If your California teacher license has been suspended or revoked, you’re not alone. With the help of the right professional teacher certification defense attorney, you can get your career back.

Reasons for Suspension

Teachers in California can lose their teaching licenses for a variety of reasons. Your teaching certificate can be suspended for up to one year depending on the circumstances of your disciplinary action. 

Here Are the Most Common Reasons for Teacher Suspension:

  • Immoral or Unprofessional Conduct
  • Dishonesty
  • Incompetence
  • Alcohol or Drug Abuse
  • Violence
  • Failure to Report Child Abuse

Whether you made a social mistake or had an issue while in the classroom, you still can keep doing what you love. A license defense lawyer like those at Unlock Legal can help manage your case and get you back in the classroom.

Related Article: Can I Get a Teaching License if I Have a Criminal Record?

Steps to Get Your Professional License Back

Appealing your California teacher’s license suspension can be a lengthy process. You may have already attended a licensing hearing where your professional license was suspended by a superintendent. To be reinstated, you are now required to work with the California Teacher’s Licensing Board and may have up to one year of wait time before you will even be considered for reinstatement. This is where a professional license lawyer can help. No matter the length of your case, your experienced lawyer can work with the state board and handle every detail. They will work to prove you have good, moral character by using positive reviews from your personal and professional contacts. 

We understand how important your teaching license is to your life and your livelihood. You’ve worked tirelessly to achieve your certification and dedicate yourself to serving your students every day. Our team at Unlock Legal can help unlock your professional teaching license and get you back into the classroom where you belong.

Contact Unlock Legal for Teacher License Defense In California

If you fear your California teacher’s license is in jeopardy of being suspended or revoked, please don’t hesitate to reach out for a quick, discreet, and confidential consultation. Know that with us, you are in great hands. Contact Unlock Legal today or give us a call at your convenience at 949-997-1469 to speak with a professional about your case and your unique needs. You’ll find we are compassionate, easy to talk to, and willing to help in any capacity we can. Losing your license doesn’t have to be the end of your career.

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