Case Study: Fighting for Letter of Public Reprimand To Protect a California Nurse

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Many of our nursing clients come to us after receiving notice from their licensing boards. In one specific case, a California nurse came to us after being accused of unprofessional conduct and negligence for an incident she was not involved in. Knowing how to handle the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN), our experienced license defense attorneys took on the case and quickly got to work.

To begin, our team carefully reviewed the medical record in question and issued a rebuttal to the Deputy Attorney General. Our nursing client was present during the alleged violation but didn’t participate. Since she chose not to intervene, the BRN had already determined she would need to face some form of disciplinary action. Based on this information, we concluded the case couldn’t easily be dismissed altogether.

Our attorneys decided the best course of action was to obtain a Letter of Public Reprimand for our nursing client. A letter of Public Reprimand is the mildest form of discipline. It does not have any probation and, therefore, would not require our nursing client to comply with any probationary terms or conditions. Additionally, the public notification of a Letter of Public Approval is withdrawn from the Board of Registered Nurses website after three years.

Related Article: Case Study: Holding the Board of Registered Nursing Accountable

As a result of obtaining this public letter, this nurse was able to keep her professional license and protect her livelihood.

Contact Unlock Legal

At Unlock Legal, we have helped hundreds of licensed professionals protect their livelihoods. We’ve stood before licensing boards to petition for reinstatement, fight against license denial, and even manage administrative hearings when a professional’s license is under investigation. Our priority is to get you the best outcome possible and handle your case from beginning to end – no matter how long it takes.

Unlock Legal provides focused representation in criminal defense and defense for California licensed professionals. Contact Unlock Legal today or give us a call at 949-997-1471 to speak with a professional nursing license defense lawyer about your case and your unique needs. You’ll find we are compassionate, easy to talk to, and willing to help in any capacity we can.

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