Case Study: Expunging Criminal Records and Obtaining Registered Nursing License

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Nurses make up the largest population of occupational licenses in California. Due to the nature of their work, obtaining and maintaining a nursing license can be difficult. From nursing school to a nursing license, here’s how we helped a California Registered Nurse expunge her criminal records, get into nursing school, and obtain her professional nursing license. 

In 2017, a nursing client reached out to our lead attorney, Miranda McCroskey, for assistance with her nursing school application. The scope of her request also entailed drafting and filing petitions for expungements for her underlying criminal matters. 

The Unlock Legal team filed the petitions for expungements. Unfortunately, one of our petitions was denied, and we had to file a motion for reconsideration in the state court. Here we provided additional mitigating evidence. The motion was granted, and the case was expunged.

Later, we found that the client’s Department of Justice (DOJ)  reports, also known as a RAP sheet, was incorrect and did not reflect a previously expunged criminal case. We filed a Claim of Alleged Inaccuracies with the DOJ along with a letter of explanation asking for the error to be corrected. 

One year later from the time this client retained our services, we received correspondence from the DOJ stating that the requested corrections had been made to the client’s criminal history record, and all of her cases had been expunged.

In the meantime, we submitted attachments to the client’s applications to various nursing programs.

Related Article: Case Study: Reducing a Board of Registered Nursing Professional Misconduct Settlement

In June of 2019, the client came back to Unlock Legal needing assistance filing her license application for the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN). To assist her, our team drafted an application to the BRN and a mitigation packet that provided a statement of rehabilitation, certificates confirming completion of rehabilitation programs, duplicable character reference letters, fitness letters, performance evaluations, proof of community service, a mental health evaluation, and a substance abuse evaluation.

In August of 2019, we provided the client her full and completed registered nursing application for the BRN along with all of the appropriate documentation and instructions for how to submit the application, complete her live scan, and pay her application fee. 

On February 20, 2020, the client was issued her nursing license and is now a California Registered Nurse.

At Unlock Legal, we have helped hundreds of nurses obtain their licenses and protect their livelihoods. We’ve stood before licensing boards to petition for reinstatement, fight against license denial, and even manage administrative hearings when a professional’s license is under investigation. Our priority is to get you the best outcome possible and handle your case from beginning to end – no matter how long it takes.

If you fear your professional license is in jeopardy, please don’t hesitate to reach out for a quick, discreet, and confidential consultation. Know that with us, you are in great hands. Unlock Legal provides focused representation in criminal defense and license defense for California licensed professionals. 

Contact Unlock Legal today or give us a call at your convenience at 949-988-4444 to speak with a professional about your case and your unique needs. You’ll find we are compassionate, easy to talk to, and willing to help in any capacity we can. 

Unlock Legal provides focused representation in criminal defense and defense for California licensed professionals.

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