California Professional License Resources You Need

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California Professional License Resources You Need

For many Californians, a professional license can help establish a life with a steady career, income, and pride in helping others.  Whether you are a student in your late teens or early 20s, or you are examining a rebirth in your career, there are a lot of valuable resources if you are seeking your professional license.

Unlock Legal, a professional license defense law firm in Orange County, works with people in varying stages of their professional license journey – from those hopeful of securing a license in a new field to professionals that need to fight to keep or regain their professional license.  Our legal team wanted to share some resources with you as part of your mission for a new and successful career.

Planning Your Career Path

Some students aren’t sure what career they’d like to work in. One resource we recommend is, a website from the U.S. Department of Labor. Some know that they’d like a career as a licensed professional, but they are not quite sure which career is right for them.  On this site, you can take a self-assessment, learn about careers, or plan your career. 

Finding Training and Support

Picking a career path is one thing; paying for the necessary education is another.  Some forego their dreams because they feel they are not financially prepared to pay for their training. What they may not know is that there are programs in place to help aspiring professionals.  The Workplace Innovation and Opportunity Act helps job seekers succeed in the business world by offering access to employment, education, training, and support services.

Clearing Your Name

Another concern many prospective licensed professionals in California have surrounds  past arrests or convictions.  The Unlock Legal team believes that a person shouldn’t be penalized for life because of a minor mistake they made in their teens or young adult years.  Professional license defense can help identify roadblocks in the application process or help you develop a plan to fight for your right to a professional license and career from the licensing board of your field.

Regardless of your past, a previous conviction shouldn’t hinder your future. If you’d like to unlock your career, give Unlock Legal a call at (949) 988-4444.

We work with our aspiring licensed professionals to help kickstart their careers. 

California Professionals: Request a free consultation

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