Applicants: Will DRE Screen Criminal Records?

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If you are an individual with a checkered past, you should know the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) screens real estate license applicants for criminal records prior to licensure.

As is set forth by the DRE here prior to the issuance of a real estate license, DRE conducts a detailed background investigation check on all license applicants, which includes mandatory fingerprinting. An original applicant for a real estate license must submit one set of classifiable fingerprints, acceptable to the State Department of Justice (DOJ).  The DOJ then notifies DRE of past arrests and criminal convictions. After a license is issued to an applicant, the licensee’s fingerprints remain in the DOJ’s database, which allows the DOJ to notify the DRE of a licensee’s subsequent arrest by a State or local law enforcement agency.

If you need assistance it is time to call the Real Estate Agent Defense Lawyers at Unlock Legal and get the focused representation you need.  At Unlock Legal, we unlock your license.  

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