Applicants: Do I Disclose Prior Criminal Activity/License Discipline?  

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As is set forth by the California Bureau of Real Estate, an applicant for a real estate license is required to fully disclose any misdemeanor or felony criminal conviction(s). Additionally, an applicant must disclose if he/she has ever had a license in California or any other State denied, suspended, restricted, or revoked, along with any pending criminal charges against them. More importantly, the failure to disclose any convictions on a real estate application may be considered an attempt to obtain a license by fraud or misrepresentation and can result in the denial of a real estate license.

An applicant for a real estate license is not required to disclose any Juvenile Court adjudication, any conviction sealed under Penal Code section 1203.45 (record sealed for person under 18 convicted of misdemeanor) or Welfare and Institutions Code section 781(record sealed in juvenile court), and any conviction under Health and Safety Code section 11357(b), (c), (d), or (e) (marijuana related convictions), or Health and Safety Code section 11360(b) (marijuana sales convictions) after at least two years have passed since the date of the conviction.

If you need assistance it is time to call the professional license defense lawyers at Unlock Legal and get the focused representation you need.  At Unlock Legal, we unlock your license.  

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