AB 3234 Offers Diversion for DUI Convictions

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DUIs can be embarrassing and leave a stain on your permanent record. In many instances, you need a both criminal and professional license defense attorney to manage your convictions and protect your career. Assembly Bill 3234 could make protecting your livelihood much easier with optional diversion programs.

AB 3234 DUI Diversion Law

Going into effect this year, AB 3234 allows judges to grant diversion programs as an alternative for first-time misdemeanor DUI offenders. This law allows judges to eliminate the criminal penalties in these cases. However, controversy has surrounded this new law.

Related Article: How to Protect Your Professional License from a DUI Charge

Opponents argue that it allows for inconsistency in judgment. However, there are a few guidelines currently being used to determine which individuals will receive diversion and which will be criminally charged. These include blood alcohol level, speed of the vehicle, where the offense occurred, and whether any property was damaged.

For those arrested for their first DUI, this new law could give them a second chance. All professional licensing boards take DUIs very seriously. These arrests and convictions can result in license denials, suspensions, or revocations. On top of that, many employers may also feel the need to suspend or terminate an employee for their mishap. If the defendant is granted diversion instead, they have a better chance at protecting their license and livelihood. 

Related Article: Fighting DUIs and Board Discipline

If a judge opts for diversion, defendants will be required to complete a rehab program, get counseling or attend AA meetings regularly and check in with the judge throughout this process. Those who successfully complete these requirements can have their charges dismissed and their arrest record cleared.

No additional changes have been officially made to this bill yet, but several local and state representatives are still working to add additional restrictions to these diversion offerings.

Contact Unlock Legal

Were you arrested for a DUI and fear your professional license is at risk? Do you have questions about AB 3234, diversion, and your DUI? Contact us immediately

Typically, your first DUI can result in 3-5 years of probation, fines, license suspension, DUI school, and possible jail time.

We know how important your professional license is to your livelihood. A DUI doesn’t have to define the future of your career. We’ve worked with hundreds of professionals dealing with this obstacle and we can help you get the best outcome for your case. 

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