AB-2147 Unlocks California Firefighter Licensure for Rehabilitated Inmates

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A new reform has been enacted to remove barriers from ex-inmate firefighters in California seeking professional licensure. Governor Newson signed AB-2147 into action in early September to reform California’s inmate firefighter program and open doors for rehabilitated residents. 

“Inmates who have stood on the frontlines, battling historic fires should not be denied the right to later become a professional firefighter,” Gov. Newsom said.

AB-2147 Offers New Licensure Opportunities

As part of the prison rehabilitation program, CAL FIRE trains minimum-security inmates to become firefighters and provides much-needed assistance with putting out local wildfires. The program currently functions in 27 counties and operates 44 conservation camps. This bill gives these California inmates the opportunity to work as professional firefighters once they’ve completed their prison time.

In addition to allowing firefighter licensure for recovered inmates, AB-2147 will also help residents on the road to expunging their prior convictions. These individuals will then have an easier time applying to other professional industries with less risk of license denial.

In addition, AB-2147 states that a recovered inmate who is granted an expungement pursuant to this section shall not be required to disclose the conviction on an application for licensure by any state or local agency.

Related Article: California Licensing Board Changes: Renewal and License Requirements

California Continues Licensure Reforms

This new bill follows the prior ground-breaking reform, AB-2138, which also removed barriers preventing recovered inmates from obtaining professional licensure. With these two bills combined, millions of individuals will have the opportunity to pursue the career of their dreams.

We understand how important your license and career are to your livelihood. Whether you’re just starting out or facing accusations after years of practice, our experienced license defense professionals can help. 

Related Article: Can I Become a Veterinarian If I Have a Criminal Conviction?

Contact Unlock Legal

At Unlock Legal, we have helped hundreds of licensed professionals protect their livelihoods. We’ve stood before licensing boards to petition for reinstatement, fight against license denial, and even manage administrative hearings when a professional’s license is under investigation. Our priority is to get you the best outcome possible and handle your case from beginning to end – no matter how long it takes. 

Unlock Legal provides focused representation in criminal defense and defense for California licensed professionals. Contact Unlock Legal today or give us a call at 949-988-4444 to speak with a professional AB-2147 attorney about your case and your unique needs. You’ll find we are compassionate, easy to talk to, and willing to help in any capacity we can.

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